On My Intentions for This Website ------- My primary intention for flatpickles.com is to never establish exactly what it is. It’s not a portfolio, but it’s not *not* a portfolio. It’s not a blog, nor is it a direct export of my journal entries, my tweets, or my Instagram posts. I’m certainly not attempting to convince you that I’m particularly skilled in any creative form; instead, much of what I present on this website is the rough-hewn product of autodidactic experimentation, and I’m making a concerted effort to be comfortable with that. Regardless, I hope that my enthusiasm for life and self-expression will come through in this collection of “works”, and I hope that I can make you smile, or help you think about the world in new ways. Having just turned 30, I’ve appreciated the opportunity to collect some assorted creations from the past decade, and ponder my growth as a creative person. It’s interesting to see my ebbs and flows in particular areas, and on the whole. I expect these patterns (or lack thereof) to continue, so another non-goal for flatpickles.com is any adherence to a quantifiable diversity or throughput of published creative work. Que sera sera, but I’m excited to have a space to catalog whatever seems worth sharing. As always, I have so much more to learn, and I’m blessed to be learning and growing in a community of brilliant and inspiring people. YOU are one of these people, and if you have any feedback on my various projects or how I present them on this website, I’d love to hear it. Similarly, if anything I create prompts your own thoughts or creative work, please share whatever you’re comfortable with. There’s nothing more valuable than a good conversation! Thanks for visiting, reading, and being you. With love, -Matt